
The Year ahead

It's hard to believe that 2025 is already well into it's second month and I am only just getting around to writing my 'year ahead' blog! This year I will be back participating in Bucks Art weeks and many of the other events which would normally shape my working year.

I was absolutely delighted to be invited to join the group of talented, accomplished artists and makers at St Dunstan's for Bucks Art weeks this year. I'm really looking forward to joining this well established group in the wonderful medieval setting of St Dunstan's church in Monks Risborough.

I am still really pleased to be taking an active role in the life of the Buckinghamshire Craft Guild and I will continue to regularly demonstrate at the guild gallery (see diary section for details). If you haven't visited us recently, you will find the gallery is filled with high quality, beautiful work by over 34 local Buckinghamshire based artists. We have several new members who have recently joined us and big plans for the year ahead including a showcase exhibition at The River and Rowing museum in the summer. Before that we are kicking off with a Spring pop-up exhibition @ Brises Farmhouse in Swanbourne starting 29th March with an opportunity to "Meet the Makers". The show will feature some lovely new work from our membership including some of our new members whose work we are excited to share with you.

More details about all these things to come. Keep checking back if you're interested to know more.

Art in Stitch-an exhibition showcasing two approaches to art textiles

Thank to everyone who came along to this exhibition at the Courtyard Art Studio in the beautiful setting of the Claydon Estate, Buckinghamshire where I was showing work alongside Barbara Shaw who produces collaged pieces using fabric like paint.

The exhibition was a great success and Barbara and I thoroughly enjoyed demonstrating our working processes and techniques throughout the show and meeting and chatting to so many lovely, interested visitors.

Exciting Exhibitions

At this time of year I am always looking ahead to what I have booked in the diary and this year is already shaping up to be an exciting one. I already have a very successful Longwick Artshow behind me and I'm starting new work this week for Bucks Artweeks coming up on the horizon. June will be here before we know it and there is a lot to do before then.

Both Longwick and Artweeks are annual commitments in my diary but it's always nice to have something completely new lined up. So I am delighted that The Courtyard Art Studio at Claydon Estate in Buckinghamshire have invited me to share an exhibition with fellow textile artist Barbara Shaw at the end of August. We are already in the planning stages and have decided to call the exhibition "Art in Stitch: Two approaches to Art Textiles"

Barbara creates her pieces by hand stitching small scraps of fabric together in layers to produce unique collages. Her subjects are often based on her impressions of the natural worlds well as local scenes and buildings. As you will see from the image below she has a unique style which is very different to mine yet essentially we are both using very similar materials. The stitch in Barbara's work is mostly functional and sometimes not even seen, allowing the fabric scraps to be the real stars of the show.

We are both excited about bringing this exhibition to Claydon Estate which is the most beautiful setting, with fantastic independent shops and a gallery in the courtyard. There are beautiful gardens to explore and the National Trust property Claydon House adjacent, as well as The Pheonix tea rooms which offer a convenient pit stop for tea and cake or a light meal. There is plenty of parking and the site is wheelchair friendly.

If you love textile Art or if the medium is new to you but you are curious to know more, then put the date in your diary. Barbara and I will be in situ demonstrating our techniques and we will be happy to chat to visitors and answer any questions about our work.

The Sinuous Stitch

Ever since we moved to the area, one of my favourite places to spend time has always been Waterperry Gardens. I particularly love the gallery there which is always beautifully presented, peaceful and filled with inspiring work.

So I am very excited to announce that I will be having an exhibition of my work at the Art in Action Gallery at Waterperry in November/December this year. It is such a privilege to be able to show a collection of pieces in such beautiful setting.

I'm working very hard towards this show which will be un-themed but will feature work inspired by land and seascapes, wildlife and other subjects. The show runs from Nov 17th through until the end of the year and the gallery is open every day 10-5 so if you get the chance please do pop in and see what I have been up to. It's an easy 5 minute drive from junction 8a (Oxford Services) off the M40. OX33 1JZ

The Gallery itself is housed in a restored 18th Century barn and is full of beautiful contemporary art and craft work, so it's well worth a visit and with the wonderful gardens, plant centre, gift barn, farm shop and tearooms all on site, it is a great destination to spend a couple of hours.


Looking Forward…

I'm very excited about the opportunity to have a small exhibition of my work at  The Art in Action Gallery at Waterperry Gardens this autumn. As I work quite slowly, this is quite an undertaking for me, making and gathering together work for this show which will begin in November and run through into the New Year. Somehow though, I find that I can usually rise to a deadline and although I am slightly terrified, I'm also eager to meet this challenge and looking forward to creating a body of new work for this show. I get asked frequently "Where can I buy your work?". I don't purposely make it difficult but there is only one of me and each piece is time consuming and carefully crafted. This means that pieces are often spoken for before they ever get anywhere near my website. So, this show will be the perfect opportunity to see a body of work which will all be for sale. There is no particular theme to the exhibition which means I can really go where the inspiration takes me.  

Buckinghamshire Craft Guild.

It is now almost 2 years since the newly formed Buckinghamshire Craft Guild  first opened the doors of it's beautiful shop/gallery space at Layby Farm, Stoke Mandeville. The guild shop has grown and developed over that time into a beautifully curated space where the public can come and browse the work of over 30 local artists/makers. What makes it really special though, is that every day there are different artists working at the shop, demonstrating their skills and talking to visitors about their inspirations and processes. It's a unique opportunity to interact with the makers themselves and maybe even to buy something directly from the person who made it. From a personal point of view, I have enjoyed my days stewarding and demonstrating hugely. Most of all, I have loved meeting and getting to know the other guild members and watching them work. There are potters, stone masons, jewellers, printmakers, glass artists and more. Chatting to them and gaining an insight into their backgrounds, working methods, techniques etc has been so interesting and it is a real privilege to eaves drop on them demonstrating their skills to the guild visitors. Some of the members run their own workshops and classes which might tempt you once you've seen a glimpse of them at work. The work in the shop is refreshed regularly so that there are always new things to see. Visitors are welcome whether they are serious buyers or just curious browsers. The guild shop is situated at Layby Farm in Stoke Mandeville, a site which also hosts Obsidian Art, Freya Jones Fibre Craft, Ros Long's 'By Hand Books' and Fabric HQ, making it a great destination for visitors interested in art and crafts. It's open tues-sat 10-4 and Sundays 12-4. For information on which artists will be at the gallery on any given day it's best to check social media where updated rotas will be posted regularly. You can follow the guild on Facebook or Instagram as 'Buckinghamshire Craft Guild' The guild shop is at: Buckinghamshire Craft Guild Shop Layby Farm, Old Risborough Road, Stoke Mandeville, Bucks HP22 5JX 01296 821218   [video width="360" height="360" m4v=""][/video]

Bucks open studios Exhibition 2016

My next exhibition of work is at Obsidian Art  in Stoke Mandeville beginning on June 4th. It's open every day until 3rd July so plenty of opportunity to pop in and have a look. The show is part of Bucks Open studios and will showcase the work of a variety of artists working in various media. Well worth a visit even if I do say so myself!

Through Our Hands

I'm excited to have an article included in the winter edition of Through Our Hands, the online magazine devoted to all things textiles:

I hope you enjoy it.

Rachel Wright article in Through our hands magazine

The devil is in the detail


At the end of the summer holidays, I had to begin work on a commissioned piece which had been sitting in my virtual 'in tray' since the beginning of the year. Luckily my client is patient and was happy to wait.

So with the help of some photographs, I set about the task of sketching an image out onto my calico canvas. It became immediately obvious that this piece was going to be an incredible challenge. After some time, my arm was aching and I began to realise that the success of this piece would be 'all in the detail'. There were so many windows, doorways and characterful details in the buildings and then, there were the reflections in the water.....this was going to be a small embroidery which would take an awfully long time to do.


As I started stitching I became quickly immersed in the piece, concentrating my efforts on small areas at a time, sewing for hours and then pausing to sit back and assess my progress only to find that the piece had hardly grown at all. Although a little disheartened by the painfully slow progress, I did at least feel happy with how it was going. I don't think I have ever changed my top thread or my spool thread quite as much as I did on this piece. People often ask me if there is some trick to getting so many colours in each piece. There is no magical is simply being prepared to change those threads as often as it takes. I'm actually pretty sure that I could thread my machine up with my eyes closed. On this particular embroidery it was vital to capture the many pastel colours of the buildings and the endless reflections in the canal.


After many hours of head ache inducing concentration I finally finished and gratefully collapsed into the nearest armchair. There is no doubt that this piece was incredibly challenging and also in many ways a lot of fun. Above all though I came to truly appreciate and understand that old expression we all use 'the devil is in the detail'.


The joy of little red dots I know what you are thinking...'she's gone completely mad'.
Well, you could be right but little red dots are a joyous thing believe me! When you are an artist, there is a great buzz of excitement to be had when a little red dot appears on your work at an exhibition or show.

This weekend was one such time for me. It was Longwick Artshow, a local primary school event run by a parent and fellow artist, where artists from all over the local area are invited to submit work and sell it with a percentage of the profits going to the school.

It's a show I've taken part in for about the last five years and having missed the private view on Friday night I was keen to get along there on Saturday to see the show for myself.

To my delight I arrived to discover that all 4 of the embroideries I had submitted had little red dots adorning them. It's such a great feeling to sell work at any time but it was particularly satisfying to sell everything!

To know that people are parting with their hard earned cash to buy something I've made makes me very happy.

A good friend of mine is always telling me that I need to remember all the years of training and experience I have done when I decide on prices for my work. She tells me that every hour at college, every sketchbook page, every discarded piece which didn't quite make the grade...all of that has helped to make me the artist I am today and it is time and experience that just cannot be calculated when pricing work. She is right of course but until I become super famous and can charge whatever I like for my work I'll happily settle for the thrill of the little red dots.


The seafront, Aldeburgh, Suffolk

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This piece was a private commission which I completed just before Christmas. My brief was to create an embroidery depicting the seafront at Aldeburgh in Suffolk, a place which the new owners of the piece are very familiar with since they holiday there almost every year. The familiarity of the seafront buildings, the steep shingle banks and the pretty fishing boats were all aspects I was asked to include. Of course I just had to add in one of my signature skies but I was under strict instructions to keep it blue and summery.

The great challenge of this piece was the seafront buildings. It felt as though I was only progressing by about half an inch per day at one point. However the detail of this element was crucial to the recipients being able to recognise their much loved holiday destination so I ploughed on. Once the buildings were in place the shingle banks developed much more speedily. I enjoyed the movement and shaping of this feature particularly.

New Year…new challenges.

January is a strange old month. It's cold and grey and we all begin to crave the early signs of spring and longer lighter, brighter days. It also always turns my thoughts to what the new year will bring and there are inevitably new challenges in store. There is excitement in considering the projects I might embark on. How many of those tiny green shoots of an idea will grow and develop and come to fruition? I'm also thrilled to be able to do some familiar things. I'm looking forward to another chance to exhibit my work at Obsidian Art again in June 2015 as part of Bucks Open studios. Work has already begun in preparation and it's exciting to be getting my teeth into some new work with this show in mind. Last year saw my first real attempts to depict wildlife in my work. It was a challenge that proved tricky but very rewarding and I hope to be able to do more this year so watch this space! I'm still working on ideas and planning for the year ahead but one thing I need to prioritise is my website and I hope to be able to do more blogposts and show more work in progress. So I look forward to what 2015 has in store and hope to be able to share more of it with you and keep you up to date with what I'm up to and where you can see my work.

If this blog was of interest and you would like to ask me a question, or to discuss a commission get in touch